Y’all. It’s November! And I had the opposite of a productive October so it’s time to kick it into high gear! First let’s look at how I did for October.
1.Super Hexie Block. I actually got this one done! So now I literally only need to do 1 more block and then all of the hexies will be basted. The end is near!

2. Windchime Quilt. Well, I didn’t get it appliqued, but I did get it all sewn together and ready to go so that’s something. lol.

3. Butterfly Quilt. Does buying more fabric count as progress? lol.
4. Caterpillar Quilt. Same.
5. Project Life. Oh my gosh, y’all, I didn’t do anything with Project Life this month! I’m afraid that my scrappy mojo has left the building.
6. Scrapping. Ditto. I literally only made 2 pages this month. ::shame::
7. Advent Calendar. Um… Are y’all sensing a pattern? That pattern is that nothing much of anything got done.
8. Halloween. Finally a win! Costumes were made, pictures were taken, and too much candy was eaten. Poor Mia was sick the night before so she missed her Halloween party at school, but she rallied for Trick or Treating so we took her to a few houses. Also, Kate made her own costume this year! I’m so proud of her. 🙂

9. Camping Trip. Well, we got all of the prep work done and then some. Sadly, Kate and I had to leave unexpectedly on Friday night, but my co-leaders are amazeballs and they took over seamlessly and handled everything.
10. Pumpkin Patch Pictures. ::sigh:: I took them. I even took my real camera. But the babies were sooooooo not having it. Le sigh. Also, they were almost sold out of pumpkins. Oh well. Next year, I’m going to try to finish costumes much earlier so we can do the pumpkin patch while there are still pumpkins!
And now onto November!
1.Christmas Quilt. The UFO for this month is my Christmas 1/2 square triangle quilt. I have the center finished, but I still need to cut and add the borders. I was toying with the idea of trying to have it fully quilted and bound by the meeting, but I’m pretty sure that’s never going to happen. lol. So let’s say that I would like to have the top done.

2. Kaffe Quilt. My grandmother and I are making a joint quilt! No pressure. lol. This one has a bit of back story that should really be it’s own post. Stay tuned! The short version is that I need to make 66 blocks this month.

3. Zipper Pouch. For our Guild Christmas party, we are exchanging zipper pouches. I was super intimidated, but I made a practice one and I’m actually pretty happy with it. Now I just need to make the one for the actual exchange!

4. Advent Calendar. It’s crunch time. I have to have the background done this month. Then maybe I can try for one thing each day in December? Yikes!
5. Project Life. No excuses y’all. I have to get at least June done.
6. Scrapping. Um… I don’t even know, y’all. Maybe 10 pages?
7. Gratitude Tree. This is a crazy idea that I had yesterday. Basically, I want to have a big tree on the wall in our living room (made out of paper) and then we will each add a leaf every day where we write down 1 thing that we are grateful for. In my mind, we each get a different color and then we have a beautiful rainbow tree at the end of the month. The reality is that I still don’t have any paper for this, let alone paper that is cut into the shapes of leaves! lol. But fingers crossed I can make this happen today!
8. Thanksgiving Baking. I need to sit down and work on my baking menu and schedule to make sure that everything gets done.
9. December Daily Prep. Yay! I love December Daily. I’m sticking with a 4×4 format this year. I ::gasp:: didn’t even buy a kit because nothing was striking my fancy this year. That and I have enough Christmas product to open a December Daily store. lol.
10. I have a little bit of secret sewing that I need to finish this month. Fingers crossed!
After a so so October, you might be wondering how on earth I’m planning to get so much done in November, but RaptorDad does NaNoWriMo every November where he writes a whole 50k word novel. Every eyar I try to make NaNoCraftMo a thing, but I lose steam and end up binge watching Netflix. This year will (hopefully) be different!