Just Keep Swimming

Figuratively speaking of course. There’s no swimming here yet. lol But after today, we only have 8 more days of school. So close! Not gonna lie, it’s been hard watching all of our Texas friends swimming and in full on summer mode, but it will be our turn soon. :). Let’s see how we did in May.

  1. April 2024. Nope. But I am printing out week 16 now so progress? More importantly, I continue to LOVE only doing Project Life plus inserts.
  2. May 2024. hahahahahaha
  3. Africa Scrapbook. I’ve gotten 2 out of 11 days worth of photos culled. Only 9 to go!
  4. Strawberry Quilt. In a surprise burst of motivation, I’ve actually completed 8 strawberry blocks! I need either 25 or 30 depending on how I do the backing fabric. We’ll see how long my sojo lasts.
  5. Quilt Guild. Another bust. I’m starting to think I should just join the statewide Modern Quilt Guild?
  6. RaptorDad’s birthday. Success!
  7. Survive.
  8. Survive.
  9. Survive.
  10. Survive. Well, I’m still here and all of my lessons are ready to go for the rest of the week. So close!

June Goals:

  1. April 2024 Project Life. So many fun things happened in April and I want to scrap them while the memories are fresh!
  2. May 2024 Project Life.
  3. Organize library. This is our family crafting space and it looks like a tornado went through the craft store and then dumped it all here. My goal for this summer is for this to be a usable craft space PLUS guest room for Casa Blanca this summer.
  4. Africa Scrapbook. Maybe I can cull 2 more days worth of photos?
  5. Strawberry Quilt. I’d love to get another 5 or 6 blocks done.
  6. Clean all the things. OMG, we have guests coming soon. YIKES!!! Commence panic cleaning. Just kidding, I’m going to finish this blog post and then go play with the pictures I just printed.
  7. Watercolor. I’ve been playing with making my own watercolored project life cards and I am loving it!!! I want to make some time to play this month.
  8. Summer plans. ok. I don’t think I’m going to buy them summer workbooks this year, but I do think I’m going to start a summer schedule. As in, Monday is library day. Tuesday is baking day. IDK. Something like that.
  9. School Scrapbooks. Must remember to do last day of school pictures and interviews!
  10. Survive.

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