Happy New Year!!!

I love New Year’s Day!  The possibilities always seem endless.  🙂  And it’s my favorite month to do goal setting!  Let’s see how we did in December.

  1.  December Daily.  I’m up to day 9!  So, I have a long way to go, but I’m making some progress.  I’m hoping to wrap this up by the end of January.
  2. Jake’s Stocking.  I am so close to finishing this.  My sister wanted me to change the clouds from “Happy Holidays” to “Merry Christmas” but I finished pretty much finished everything else and gave it to her a week before Christmas so she could hang it up.  I should be able to finish it in about a week next November.  I’m officially taking a break from felt for a while though.  lol.
  3. Order Christmas Cards.  Done!  And they turned out super cute.  🙂  To be honest, they were cuter on the computer; the colors were a little off when they got printed so the pinks turned to reds and the aqua is more blue, but they were super cheap so I’m not complaining!  I’m so glad we got these pictures taken.  <3 <3 <3 File Jan 01, 10 01 03 AMFile Jan 01, 10 01 30 AM
  4. Address/ Send Christmas cards.  Done!
  5. Take some Christmas pics.  Also done!  I even got a cute cousin pic.  🙂
  6. Road trip book.  This one didn’t get done, but we did have loads of fun on both of our road trips.  🙂  Luckily Kate does not get carsick at all so she can just read the whole way.  I’m so glad she takes after RaptorDad in that respect!  I can barely look at a map without getting carsick.  lol.
  7. Decorate Christmas tree.  We decided to go with a tiny pink Christmas tree this year and it was perfect!  My stress level dropped by 200% when I didn’t have to worry about Mia eating pine needles or breaking ornaments.  File Jan 01, 10 24 59 AM
  8. Christmas menu.  Y’all.  We went with a retro menu to go with our retro tree and it was so much fun.  I love it when my family is willing to play along with my crazy ideas.  🙂
  9. Cookie Booth plan.  Well, I have a plan, but I haven’t done anything to execute it.  lol.  I need to get on this one big time!
  10. Planner Stickers.  Still a work in progress.  lol.

I’m toying with the idea of trying to learn something new each month this year, but it’s still just a rough idea.  My initial idea was to have 12 projects already decided on, but I’m having a hard time coming up with them.  Suggestions?  lol.  Some projects that I know I want to work on include:

  1.  My hexagon quilt!  I now have 14 hexagons stitched together.  Unfortunately, that’s just a drop in the bucket.  I found a hexagon calculator and it informed  me that I needed over 4,000 hexagons to make a king size quilt.  lol.  I might end up making a quilt for bitty baby instead.  😉  I will say that I’m having tons of fun with this project though!  I love playing with all the different fabrics.  🙂File Jan 01, 10 39 23 AM File Jan 01, 10 40 32 AM
  2. Cross Stitch.  I want to design a cross stitch with some song lyrics that I love.  I need to figure out how to do the design work though.
  3. Interview Books.  At this point, I think I just need to redo the files.  I need to buy the actual albums and embellishments as well.
  4. All the scrapbooking.  lol.  December Daily, Project Life, 12×12 layouts…
  5. Some kind of embroidered map.  This is still in the conceptual stage.
  6. Learn to can!  In my fantasy land, I figure out how to grow tomatoes, grow a massive crop of them, and then can salsa and tomato sauce.  hahahahahahahaha

And that’s where I run out of steam.  lol.  Shall I come up with some actual January goals?

  1.  Clean all the things!!!  Hmm…  Maybe the trash bag a day challenge?  So either a bag of trash or a box to goodwill every day.
  2. December Daily.  I’d really love to finish this by the end of the month.
  3. Cookie Booth Decorations.  We start selling cookies on the 17th and I need to jazz up our table!  I think we’re going with a super hero theme, but I need to get my behind in gear and make it happen.
  4. Swim!  RaptorDad and I have been doing good with the swimming.  I think I’d like to set a goal to swim laps 3 times a week and take the babies swimming one day a week.  That’s a pretty lofty goal, but I think it’s doable.
  5. Salads.  We’ve been eating healthier since August, but I’m getting a bit sick of the same old salad every day for lunch.  I’d like to try 4 new salads this month that are tasty and healthy.
  6. Recreate files and print pages for interview book.
  7. Hexagons!  I toyed with the idea of trying to do 31 flowers (7 hexagons in each flower) in 31 days, but that seems a bit insane.  Maybe I’ll try to do 10 flowers?
  8. But speaking of a daily challenge, I think I’m going to do a photo challenge.  I’d like to try to take at least one photo a day with my DSLR camera.
  9. I think I’m going to do a LOAD challenge as well, that’s LayOutADay.  So 31 layouts in January.  Oh my, I’m giving myself an awful lot of crafty projects to work on.  lol.
  10. Blog!  I’d love to get back to blogging 3 times a week.  🙂

I have no delusion that I’m actually going to accomplish all of this, but I figure go big or go home.  lol.


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