Hey guys! We had an absolutely amazing teacher conference with Mia’s teacher and it totally inspired me to make a new round of Montessori trays for the twins. Halloween themed of course!

I found these pumpkin upper/ lower case matching printables on Pinterest. How cute are they?!? I laminated them naturally. Today I pulled out a few at a time to work with and we talked about the letters/ letter sounds as we did them. She got up to 6 letters before losing interest. Xander was very interested until Mia said it was his turn and then he wanted nothing to do with them. Stinker. lol. I’ll pull these out one morning while Mia is at school and see if he’s more interested.

I also dug out all of our Halloween decorations and found this pumpkin counting activity that I made when Kate was little. I went ahead and laminated the pumpkins (natch) and then I created a mat to scaffold this for the twins so that they could do it independently. They love it! I didn’t really think Xander would want to use the mats, but he loves them too. I deliberately kept them non themed so that I could reuse them over and over again.
And I have to tell y’all that it was so much fun to create some fun seasonal Montessori trays. The last time I was making these regularly, I had all of this self imposed pressure to have 8 new trays every week based on a letter a week theme which obviously never happened so I was constantly feeling behind and guilty. But this is awesome! I made a total of 4 trays and I might switch it up with a few more before Halloween gets here or I might not. And if they’re still having fun in November, then pumpkins are totally our fall theme. Hell, maybe we’ll have Christmas pumpkins! lol. (But probably not because I love Christmas. lol.)
And in case you’re wondering, our other trays are sequencing and patterning because those are 2 of the main things she’s working on right now at school.