I’ve Been a Bad Blogger

Oh man y’all.  It’s been a rough couple of weeks around here.  Largely because I had to take some medication for a few weeks that makes me feel like a psychopath zombie crazy person.  I’m finally finished with it and I’m starting to feel a return to normal.  I haven’t put anything up on the blog because I haven’t been creating anything, which puts me in a crap mood, which makes me even less likely to go create something.  It’s a vicious cycle!  Well no more.  I’m busting out of this cycle.

I’m finally working on digital project life again.  Hopefully I’ll have this spread (week 5) finished in time to post it on Friday.  I also just got in a big new batch of pictures and I’m scrapping with some friends on Saturday.  Kate and I also have plans for some DIY stuff for her birthday party.  It’s going to have a space them and she and I are really excited about it.

Letter of the Week has kind of taken a back seat for a while as Kate’s just not that into it.  Well, she’s thrilled to do each tray once, but then she’s bored with them.  I think because most Letter of the Week activities are geared toward younger kids?  For example, Kate already knows how to quantify numbers.  She taught herself addition and subtraction for pete’s sake so why am I giving her trays where she puts the numbers in order and then lays out counters?  No wonder she doesn’t want to do them.  I need to ponder this further and find a way to make it work for us.  I’m thinking that we’ll still have a theme (E is for Elephant) but then plan trays/ activities more around the theme than the letter.  Kate’s really interested in crafts/ story telling/ pretend play at the moment so I think I’m going to put the more academic trays on the back burner for a while and focus on more craft ones.  I think she’s just about ready to teach herself to read and I’ve decided to just get out of her way and let it happen as she wants it to.

And now a reward for reading all of my ramblings.  Here’s my crazy monkey on the monkey bars at the park.  She actually did this 5 or 6 times for me while I was trying to get a picture.  She’s such a good sport.  Also, a huge ham.  🙂



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