Messy but Awesome

I know that I either found this on Pinterest or read it on a blog, but I can’t find the link right now.  Whoops.  I think it’s called cloud dough?  You could probably google it if you were more industrious than me.  🙂  At any rate, it’s *awesome* and you should totally make some today.

It’s super simple (my kind of recipe!) and if you’re not a crazy hippy you might even have the ingredients at home.  We, of course, did not have any baby oil at home so I had to send DH to buy it.  That and regular cheap flour.  A few of my friends pointed out that there are some issues with Johnson’s and Johnson’s, but let’s face it, I’m not going to buy organic essential oils for a 1 time sensory project.  Scratch that, I would but only if we had recently won the lottery.  🙂

The recipe called for 8 cups of flour, but the bag only had 7 1/2.  (i’m pretty sure anyway.  There was some math involved so it could really go either way.)

I compensated by using a wee bit less than a cup of oil.  How’s that for precise!  Side note: this might be why I’m a terrible cook.  Luckily children’s craft projects are pretty forgiving.

I’ll be the first to admit that it looked pretty gross when I first dumped the oil in.  And yes it really did turn brown.  Yuck.

It mixed in quite nicely though.  It’s really strange feeling.  Like flour, but if you grab some and squeeze your hand it holds its shape.  Awesome.

As you can see, the girls thought it was the bomb.  It does in fact look like a bomb went off in my kitchen.  Small price to pay for the amount of fun we were all having playing with it.

Shortly after this picture they started throwing it at each other.  Oh the joys of sharing.  🙂

We ended up moving it outside which turned out to be a wise decision.  I would totally let Kate play with this every day if I wasn’t now paranoid about the baby oil causing cancer.  Seriously though, 2 thumbs up.


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