May is Here!!!

You guys, it’s almost summer!!!  I am so ready to have all 3 of my babies home with me.  🙂  Plus, this year we’re doing a Hogwarts theme and I think it will be really fun.  But first, let’s see how I did in April…

  1.  Lists.  This was so fun!  I only ended up making 9 lists and a couple of them are still blank, but I really enjoyed this.  Some lists were plain and some I jazzed up with some prisma pencils.  I don’t think that I am the type of person to actually keep up with a real bullet journel (Erin Condren for Lyfe!!!) but I did like having a place for the occasional brain dump.  It was also fun to try to work on my lettering.  All in all, I’m keeping this around.  🙂Photo May 01, 9 50 00 AM
  2. Hexie Flower.  Done!  In fact, I wrote a whole blog post about it.  🙂
  3. Hogwarts Summer School.  Oh my gosh, I have been having so much fun with this!  Brainstorming has been going fantastic!  Now I just need to actually get organized and create some actual plans.  lol.
  4. Sunshine.  I don’t know that it’s happened everyday, but I have been spending more time outside.  It’s been so nice!
  5. Plants.  So far so good!  It was a little touch and go with the tomatoes for a bit, but my mom sorted them out.  🙂  My little gardens make me happy every time I look out of my window.
  6. Schedule for Xander.  We have a bit of a lose schedule, but mainly we’ve just been hanging out.  It’s actually been really nice to have some one on one time with him. And Mia is kicking butt at school!  She is walking and talking so much!  It’s been amazing.  🙂
  7. Project Life.  Well, I didn’t get nearly as much done as I wanted to, but I did get 2 weeks of November done.  I really need to just sit down one weekend and power through some photo printing so I can get closer to caught up.
  8. Scrapbooking.  I did much better on this goal!  I got February and March scrapped, and I have all of my photos printed and sorted for April, May, and June.  🙂
  9. Fix Dresses.  What can I say, sewing hexies is more fun than sewing buttons.  lol.
  10. Twin Party.  Done!  It was just a simple family party, but I think everyone had fun.  🙂

Now for May goals!

  1.  Hexie block number 4.  I’d love to get an extra hexie block done this month so I can get 12 done this year, but I’m not sure that that will be possible.  lol.
  2. Hogwarts Summer School.  I’m hoping to get week 1 and week 2 all planned out.  Week 1 will just be my kiddos, but starting week 2 we’re going to have 2 of our old friends joining us 2 days a week for the summer.  🙂  I loved the idea of the booklets last summer, but they kind of fizzled out after a few weeks.  This year, I think I’m going to have a weekly schedule with a different activity focus for each day of the week.  I need to flesh out this plan this week.
  3. Kate’s vest.  I need to get Kate’s vest all sorted out before bridging.  I can’t believe she’s almost a junior girl scout!
  4. Road Trip Prep.  My mom and I are taking the kids to Corpus for 2 days to go to the beach and the aquarium.  I need to come up with some a road trip booklet for Kate and ponder some car activities for the babies.
  5. Scrapbook.  I’d love to get April, May, and June done.  I’m not at all sure that’s possible, but it *might* be because I already have the pics printed.
  6. Project Life.  Oh my.  Um, maybe November and December?
  7. Summer Bucket List.  I love summer bucket lists!  I was hoping that Kate would want to help me make one this year, but she’s been meh about it.
  8. Make summer currency.  The drachmas were so awesome last summer that we kept them going all year!  This year we’re switching to galleons, sickles, and gnuts obv.  I need to find some way to create the actual coins.
  9. Summer Store.  I also want to create a store of sorts where Kate can turn in her galleons for stuff.  Last year it was mainly candy and screen time, but I want to come up with some different options this year.
  10. Teach Kate to ride her bike!  Y’all.  It is way past time that she learns this.  We’re going to be having some “broom flying” lessons this summer involving the bike.