Sandwich Bags!

You may have heard the sobbing going on around here.  That’s right, Raptor’s going off to kindergarten!  EEEPPP!!!  I’m not ready!!!  She, however, is more than ready.  🙂  I’ve been doing some crafty kindergarten stuff to get my mind off the fact that my *tiny baby* is almost 5.  First up, reusable sandwich bags.  These have been in the works for a long time (meaning I bought the PUL 2 years ago and have done nothing with it) but I finally decided that I needed to get on it since Raptor is (hopefully) starting kindergarten in early August.

snack bagI still need to add some snaps, but I’m pretty pleased with how this turned out.  And bonus, the first one ended up tiny (whoops) so I’m going to use it for little snacks like bunnies.  I think Raptor and I are headed off to Joanne’s now to get some more PUL!


Shaving Cream

Raptor thought this was just about the coolest thing ever.  I gave her a can of shaving cream and she went to town playing with it in her water table.


IMG_8704Have you ever played with a can of shaving cream?  It just feels neat!

IMG_8729We were having so much fun (and it was so hot) that we decided to fill up her baby pool too.

IMG_8752RaptorDad gave her a shaving cream hat.  lol.

IMG_8753Incidentally, I have a little summer time photo tip.  Baby pools make great colorful backgrounds!

IMG_8794That sounds so dumb, but I love the way she “pops” against the blue pool.

IMG_8775And this one?  Love.  I *may* have skipped ahead (by 24 weeks) and created a title card for my 2014 week 23 Project Life spread using this picture.

TL;DR?  Go to the dollar store and buy a can of shaving cream.  Your kids will love it.  🙂







Week 38 Project Life

Almost done!  Just finished Week 38.  Then all I have left is Week 39, the front half page and the end half page.  🙂

week 38AblogI used a photo for the title card and I really like how it turned out.  I also did most of the journaling on the photos.

week 38B blog


Fun times!


Letter a Week Recap

All right sports fans, it’s summertime!  That means that Raptor is out of school for the next couple of months and I need to amuse her.  What does this mean for you guys?  Mainly that I’m planning on bringing back the Letter a Week fun!  First I thought I’d recap some of our previous letters.  (Click on the links for the full posts with more activities.)

We did A is for Apples which included some new lacing cards and this transfer work.

IMG_7547Next up was B is for Bumblebee in which we explored a honey comb and did lots of bee crafts.

Raptormama B is for Bumblebee_-10C is for Caterpillar though we also played with some butterflies.  (Hey, caterpillars turn into butterflies, it totally works.)  We did a lot of fun The Very Hungry Caterpillar activities and made these cool number butterflies.  

Raptormama C is for Caterpillar_-2D is for Dinosaur!  Raptor was begging for worksheets so I found some neat ones online.  We also did some sorting and classification activities.



E is for Elephant!  This one was tricky because everything I found was elephants and peanuts.  Since E is allergic to peanuts, I didn’t want to present them as a plaything.  We went with umbrellas instead.  🙂



F is for frogs.  I found these awesome multicolored frogs at the teacher store.  We did some color theory and some basic phonics work.  Plus math!  Raptor loves math.

F is for Frog - RaptorMama-4


G is for Garden.  More math and more crafts.

G is for Garden- RaptorMama-3H is for Heart!  I’m a big fan of repurposing stuff so I busted out all of our Valentine’s Day stuff.  The girls loved it.



I is for Ice!  It’s so hot here in the summer and we had lots of fun playing with the ice outside.  Among the activities were some dinosaur ice excavations and more phonics work.

I is for Ice RaptorMamaYou’ve probably noticed by now that these aren’t actually letter activities.  Raptor and I just like to play with a theme.  I’m almost done with an awesome J is for Jungle unit, just in time since this is Raptor’s first week of summer vacation!  Hopefully I’ll get it up next week.  🙂